Friday, August 14, 2009

Deborah Riley Show "Quiet Moments" opens in Florence Italy

Current resident artist, Deborah Riley, opened her one person show at the SIRSA Contemorary Art Gallery in Florence, Italy on Thursday, August 14. Her stunning work is series of solarplate etchings which utilize her expertise in darkroom photography as well as printmaking. Her prints resemble mezzotints in value and tone and draw the viewer into another realm. She describes her work in this way: "My images are about finding the marks, merging photography and drawings with printing as the vehicle. The images are monoprints created on the surface of the plate. On a good print day, I find the quiet place where the marks seem to dwell. I invite the viewer to bring his or her own thoughts and feelings to the work. The subject matter can be interpreted to encompass such feelings and emotions as loneliness, despair, anger, and grief. It can also be interpreted to depict feelings of love, hope, joy, and perseverance. All the intertwining aspects of being human."
Deborah teaches her techniques in the US and abroad. More of Deborah's work can be viewed at

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