Saturday, August 8, 2009

Magnani Paper Mill Visit

Dan Welden led over seventy of us to the Cartiera Magnani Paper Mill. This mill was founded in 1404 and is a wonderment to behold. We were graciously hosted by Dr. Eng Renzo Angelo Cardini, CEO and his staff including Dott. Francesco Natali, the sales manager for Magnani. After being warmly welcomed by the mayor of Pescia and the assistant bishop of the region, we were given a tour of the paper mill. Located on the banks of the Pescia river, Magnani has printed security and currency papers since the 18th century, including the currency for Italy, Brazil. Chile, Iran and Thailand. Most impressive to all of us was seeing the machinery that produces some of the finest art papers in the world including their distinctive papers for etching, watercolor, serigraphy and lithography. On the cutting edge for over 600 years, Magnani is continuing this by producing a watercolor paper for digital printing as well as a new line of papers called Revere. We were able to touch the paper called "Silk Revere" on the rollers as it was being made.

After being wined and dined by one of the most delicious Tuscan meals many of us ever had, we of course bought papers that we will now print on back at Santa Reparata! We cannot recommend their papers enough! Check out their website:

1 comment:

  1. wonderful article ... i use this paper and can't tell people enough about it & how much it means to me as an artist to have the best paper to draw on!
    I also want to keep it a secret!
